Oprah Winfrey’s Advice to Help You Succeed in Life and Career

We all know how life can get us down; from failed relationships to medical issues and career downfalls – it seems that you get knocked down every time you try. Wallowing in our sorrows will give us plenty of reasons to give up, but that doesn’t mean we should.

Who better to give us some valuable advice on how to take control of our lives and careers than Oprah Winfrey? TV talk show host, author, producer, actress, philanthropist, entrepreneur, BILLIONAIRE – the woman who has received accolade after accolade knows a thing or two about struggling in life. From being born into poverty and going through some very personal struggles at a very early age – she’s managed to push past all these obstacles to become one of the most successful women in the world today!

So, sit back and read what she has to say – we can all learn a thing or two about being successful in life and work from her!

You Can Have It All, Just Not at The Same Time

Speaking to Weight Watchers about her partnership with Weight Watchers, Oprah said that she could eat anything that she wanted, but not at one time. That’s true for anything in life, isn’t it! You can have all the things you’ve ever wanted, but you can only experience or enjoy them one at a time.

You can have a career, a healthy relationship, a loving family, a passion, etc. Just make sure to focus on them one at a time. This can mean dedicating parts of your day to different things or even putting all your focus on specific goals for a larger chunk of time. Oprah says the way to be successful is to not try and do everything at the same time.

Take Time Off

Oprah calls her Sundays “spiritual renewal days”. What this means is that her Sundays are reserved for relaxing, relieving stress, and just doing things that will help her get her mind and body ready for the week ahead.

As humans, we all need some time to rest. And not just 8 hours of sleep per day – while that’s very important, it’s also important to dedicate some awake time to doing things that you enjoy that doesn’t work. You may like spending time alone, with family, cooking, going on hikes – whatever it may be, just make sure to schedule these breaks on a regular basis. There’s a difference between being lazy and taking a break to reenergize!

Believe What You See in People

This is something that Oprah has repeated time and time again. She says that when people show us who they are, we should believe in them. This goes both ways, of course. When you see goodness or talent in people, don’t dismiss them because it’s not what you expected. At the same time, when people show you their true colors, there are only so many second chances one deserves. A leopard can’t change his spots!

You Are Powerful

Believe in the power that you have in yourself and you’ll understand how to control your own life. How many times have you had someone else tell you that you can’t do something when you believed you could? You’re not alone. In fact, Oprah herself has walked past people who didn’t believe in her and she’s proven them all wrong! Who’s to say you can’t do the same?

Don’t let anyone else tell you what your limit is – be it in your personal or professional life. If you believe you can do it and you want it bad enough – you can achieve it! And don’t hesitate to cut people out who give you negative vibes because your energy is influenced by those around you. Trust your gut when it comes to trusting others. If something feels off, chances are, they aren’t who they say they are.

Surround yourself with people who inspire you, build you up, and support you. And try to keep your aura as positive as you can. After all, your vibe attracts your tribe!

In Conclusion

As we said, Oprah Winfrey knows a thing or two about adversity. And she definitely knows a thing or two about leading a great life and career. This legendary woman has already gone down in history as a revolutionary and we can all learn from her 60+ years of experience. These golden nuggets of advice can be the stepping stones that help us all achieve our dreams, live fulfilling lives, and have a successful career!