11 Habits You Can Learn From Self-Made Millionaires to Get Rich

Self-made millionaires are those who have earned a significant sum of money through their own efforts, which means with no support of a big inheritance or a trust fund. Self-made millionaires start from zero and gain riches over time. Credit Suisse claims that there were 2.5 million American millionaires in 2022. Within a year, nearly 2 million to 2.1 million individuals achieved their status through dedication, hard work, mindful risk-taking, and luck alone.

The money habits of self-made millionaires can be adopted by almost anyone, irrespective of their initial financial standings. A successful career is not an accidental event but requires a lot of hard work, a mature mindset, and courageous behavior.

If you dream of being wealthy, learning a few things from those who’ve walked the path before can’t hurt. After all, self-made millionaires didn’t achieve their titles without making a few clever financial choices.

In this article, we will guide you through a few habits to help you become a millionaire.

They Are Prudent

Strict budgeting and prudent spending are standard methods by which first-generation wealthy individuals build their wealth. When CNBC interviewed self-made millionaires, most believed that while allowing yourself to enjoy life’s little joys, you must avoid luxuriating and impulsive purchases under all circumstances.

As per “The Millionaire Next Door,” a 1996 bestseller, self-made millionaires refrain from spending considerable amounts on designer clothing and have an excellent knowledge of their monthly meals and home expenses.

They Grow Different Sources of Income

The author of “Rich Habits: The Daily Success Habits of Wealthy Individuals,” Tom Corley, wrote in a piece for Acorns that he researched over three-fourths of the millionaires, and 361 of them were indeed self-made.

A significant portion of the millionaire population had several sources of income. 65% reported three, 45% reported four, and 29% reported five. They use the profits to invest in more ventures, further diversifying their sources of income.

They Increase Their Wealth, Not Business

Based on the information gathered from Fidelity Investments, Business News Daily reported that 88% of millionaires are self-made. This percentage is greater than the former standard. How they grew their wealth is the factor that separates the two groups of millionaires: those who are self-made and those who are not.

Besides pay, profit-sharing, and stock options, self-made millionaires generally counted on capital appreciation from their investments. Entrepreneurship and real estate ownership were more prevalent among those who inherited their wealth.

They Make Stock Investments

As stated by financial guru Ramit Sethi to CNBC, the most effective strategy for young individuals to turn into millionaires someday is to make stock investments. Despite market fluctuations, Sethi believes stocks remain the most reliable long-term wealth generator.

Based on Gallup research, in comparison to their older counterparts, investors below 35 avoid stocks by a considerably more significant percentage. It might be a wiser move to adopt Sethi’s advice and change their behavior. In general, self-made millionaires hold over 30% of their wealth in stocks, according to “The Millionaire Next Door.”

They Create Great Teams

Self-made millionaires put in approximately 50 hours a week at work. Many succeeded since they discovered methods to outsource their weaknesses and concentrate on their strengths. If they lack the necessary skills, they would hire professional individuals to perform the tasks successfully, focus on the broader picture, and possess more time and mental capacity to complete a task. Moreover, they surround themselves with like-minded individuals to accomplish their goals.

They Don’t Pay Compound Interest, They Earn It

CNBC reported that a CFP who works with millionaire clients advised that an ordinary individual can avoid consumer credit debt. Investing becomes futile when the bank takes your money in the name of revolving debt since the primary objective is to collect compound interest and eventually grow rich.

In simple terms, compound interest can be earned by those who understand it, and those who don’t will pay it.

They Steer Clear of Debt

Indeed, avoiding debt is a habit that can increase your overall financial standing. You must pay off your credit card balance monthly to maintain a good credit score since many credit cards have notoriously high-interest rates that come with carrying a balance. Avoid using store credit cards entirely, and only charge what you can pay back. They are notorious for their low credit limits, high-interest rates, and limited usage!

They Purchase & Hold Their Cars

The most effective long-term investing approach is to buy and hold. However, self-made millionaires also use this approach to purchase vehicles. As per the CNBC CFP, many wealthy clients purchase their cars instead of leasing them. Moreover, they hold onto ownership for as long as is reasonable.

“The Millionaire Next Door” states that approximately four out of five millionaires prefer purchasing instead of leasing. Less than 25% prefer to buy used cars instead of new ones.

They Value Every Penny

As pointed out, self-made millionaires rely more on investments and compensations than establishing their own businesses. According to CNBC, self-made millionaires often take the maximum advantage of their careers.

This entails maximizing the advantage of HSAs, employee stock purchase plans, reasonable employer legal services, and the maximum employer match on your retirement plan. In addition, you should also pay less for disability insurance and employer-based life.

They Have & Frequently Become Mentors

A self-made millionaire of 31 years paid $70,000 for six months of mentorship, which was reported by CNBC right before the pandemic. This event occurred when most investors and aspiring entrepreneurs were paying out substantial sums of money for mentorship. However, you are not obliged to pay for it, even though the individual who succeeded stated that the advice he received was worth the money.

The vital role of mentors has been noted by billionaires such as Richard Branson, Mark Zuckerberg, and Bill Gates, along with ordinary wealthy individuals who offered their wisdom in books such as “The Millionaire Next Door.” However, they received their mentorship by following the traditional ways, with no charge.

They Do Not Give Up

Cortley stated that none of the self-made millionaires he interviewed had gotten rich instantly. As a matter of fact, perseverance was one of their most common features. Seemingly, an average millionaire took 32 years to build up their wealth. According to his study, many self-made millionaires were around 46 and 60 when they added that second comma!